Getting organised with ADHD

Are you the person that can be simultaneously on your phone, checking an email and reading a thriller whilst watching TV? Look up, I’m talking to you!!    

We know attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) can absolutely make it challenging to keep your home tidy and clutter-free, but not impossible. 

If you have trouble analysing, planning, organising, scheduling, and completing tasks that is executive dysfunction at play.

Hi, I’m Tamara and I have ADHD! I am also the Founder of Extra Hands With Extra Love. I, along with several of my team members and many of our clients have varying neuro-divergent diagnoses and personal experiences with mental health. But we are here to tell you that it is possible to manage your life and household, you may just need a bit of help with tips and strategies to guide you along the way.  

In fact, we consider our unique traits and abilities a gift (when it’s working in our favor of course!) Laser focus, creativity, energy spontaneity, and empathy. 

You may not know; Albert Einstein was as disorganized and forgetful as he was insightful and intelligent.

We know how easy it is to get sidetracked, you can begin with the intention of clearing the breakfast dishes, only to find a folder on the bench that belongs in the office, sit down to check your emails then take a look at Facebook to see flights to Bali are cheap, so research hotels and next thing its lunchtime!

Here are some tips to help keep you on track.


Avoid the ADHD chaos!

Planning is key and can be learned with practise, without it things are bound to fall through the cracks and everyday tasks quickly become overwhelming. A solid plan saves energy, gives you a sense of control, and allows you to externalise executive functioning making life work for your brain.

Declutter Regularly:

Clutter can be overwhelming for anyone, but especially difficult for people with ADHD. The key is to make decluttering a regular part of your routine. Start by setting aside a time each week to focus on one area of your home. A linen cupboard, a bookshelf, or your bedside draw, start small and work your way up.

Create a designated space for everything:

Always searching for your sunglasses, your car keys, or your phone? (Whilst you are on it!) Create a landing area for important items you use daily. 

We have a “departure zone” in our home where you will find the kid’s school bags, shoes, and hats. It’s not always tidy but we always know where to look.

Visual Cues:

These can be powerful and help make information more memorable.

Post-it notes – in bright colours as visual reminders.

Write it down – If you think it, put it on paper. Your thoughts then become an object, making it much easier to organize.

Colour coding – to represent different categories of items or tasks for example Blue for work-related tasks and Pink for personal.

Labels – Label everything! Invest in a label maker and start typing.

Clear storage bins – using these makes it easy to spot items quickly.

Set realistic goals:

People with ADHD tend to over-commit or underestimate how long a task may take. To avoid disappointment and becoming overwhelmed break your goals down into smaller more manageable tasks. Set deadlines and celebrate your accomplishments. Remember small progress is still progress.

Seek Support:

Whether it’s a friend or a therapist helping you to develop strategies for managing symptoms and staying organized. Helping provide accountability and support as you work towards your goals.

Extra Hands With Extra Love is available to assist and set up your pantry, linen cupboard, or garden shed. Teaching you methods and simple strategies to help keep things in order and manageable going forward.

And don’t forget, being neurotypical is so overrated!

Need help with decluttering your home? Extra Hands with Extra Love can help! View our Home Organisation Services Here.